Tuesday 20 September 2011

Break Down the Stereotype "All Muslims are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers."

1. All Muslims are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers.
2. The source of the stereotype can be the news, particularly conservative leaning stations. The big elephant in the room is prior terrorist attacks - especially September 11th. The truth is that there are some Muslims who have participated or initiated terrorist attacks.
3. If someone were to gather data that might have the number of estimated terrorists in the world, and other data that has the total number of Muslims in the world, this would disprove that all Muslims are terrorists.
4. I know a few Muslims personally who either live in America or are American. I also have one Muslim friend from Hong Kong who plans to go to an American university. None of them plan to blow up anything. They are all normal, nice people, who have a lot of the same views I do.
5. There are very few Muslims who are terrorists.

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