Monday 7 November 2011

Sneetches Work with the Lower School

1. What will you remember most about your visit to the Lower School?
None of the kids mentioned race or skin color until I brought it up. They all mentioned language, hair color, height, religion, and every other difference imaginable, but not race. I will also remember that one kid was disruptive and racist. While everyone was being lovely and saying nice things about being friends no matter what a person's culture is, this one boy Jenson tried to share a joke about "chocolate people." I told him please not to share it because it goes against what we are talking about and ask him to explain why he thought that was. He refused to answer but everyone else chimed in saying everything we had said before about friendship. Also, they all had trouble with the last question ("Have you seen any situations at school or in your neighborhood that was like the story?"), so Brendan and I said that anyone who is friends with someone even though or because they are different than them is acting like the Sneetches did at the end.

2. How did your view about what "The Sneetches" was about (i.e. the messages) change after hearing from the children?
I hadn't thought about how the book related to multiculturalism in London or at the school, and the kids made great connections about it that I hadn't thought of.

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