Monday 28 November 2011


I completely agree with the idea of choice and freedom, but I do not agree with the Freedom Principle in its entirety. I think we should have moral legislation in some cases. I think marriage age is a reasonable thing to have laws about, but I also take a pro-choice when it comes to abortion. I am for laws that protect people from harming themselves through seat belts and helmets. I do not think there should be a free market entirely. Therefore, I am conflicted about some of these libertarian views, and would not be able to identify for or against the Freedom Principle.

Scenario 9: Selling a Kidney
I think there should be a regulated market for kidneys. It would help the thousands of people that are dying, and if not enough people are donating their kidneys now, this sounds like a solution. It would also help people to receive the money - a farmer getting money for her daughter. Additionally, it could allow people to get a large sum of money reasonably quickly but in a way that is not illegal or harmful to the country (such as taking out a loan from from a mob or something to a similar effect), but instead helpful to a person. However, the kidneys must go to hospitals and not elsewhere.
I think people on death row should be allowed to sell two kidneys. They are going to die anyway, and selling the kidneys would help people.

Scenario 11: Same Sex Marriage
I feel so strongly that same sex marriage should be allowed all over the world. Homosexual people should be allowed the same rights and privileges of heterosexual people. It's about equality.
I would like to briefly discuss why I think utilitarians would not agree with option one (allowing same sex marriage). I think one major reason same sex marriage has not been allowed for so long is that politicians are aware of the strong views against same sex marriage and even if they believe it should be allowed, they do not want to upset the masses. I think it is true that same sex marriage would make the couple happy and hopefully their families happy (though, not in the case of my cousin and a lot of our family), but I think so many people would be outraged that it would not cause more happiness for more people overall even though I do believe same sex marriage should be allowed.

Scenario 8: Assisted Suicide
I think assisted suicide should be allowed. It's no different from pulling the plug from someone on life support, which is perfectly legal. I think assisted suicide is good from a libertarian and utilitarian standpoint, because it is allowing someone to do what they would like and it is also allowing for greater overall happiness, as the person is no longer suffering. There obviously has to be some regulation of assisted suicide if it were made legal in more places; it would have to be made sure that doctors were, in a humane way, killing only those who asked to die.

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